9 Reasons to Start a Blog

People say that Blogging is dead. What did you think about it?

Surely it’s not dead yet. There are thousands of niches and topics are uncovered on the internet and you can start your blogging journey in 2024 also. If you want reasons to start a blog then here I am going to share 9 reasons to start a blog in 2024.

Blogging helps not only to earn money but also helps to build your career, self-development, and personal growth. Lots of people are there on the bucket list who earned lots through blogging in 2024. The success stories tell that blogging is still alive and it’s kicking and improving day by day.

Top 9 Reasons to Start A Blog

1. Express your creativity & improve writing with reading

Want to share your thoughts and thoughts on social media will give you an effective platform and fanbase, right? And what you are doing today is blogging! Do it on websites or social media. It’s one and the same. You have freedom to express yourself through blogging. You can write ebooks or start magazines which have lots of demand in today’s era also. People prefer to read ebooks and online magazines.

Blogging is a way to express yourself through your writing and you can improve your art through blogging. When you start writing a blog on a regular basis you will feel that you require some more knowledge to improve your writing. This will lead to more and effective reading.

2. Build an amazing Community

All bloggers are competitors of each other but our blogging community is really friendly. You can connect with lots of amazing personalities in blogging, all are not experts but they have sufficient knowledge in their fields. You can take advantage of their knowledge for your path. Rather than a blogging community your site or blogs will get a separate fan base those who trust you and love you. Many of us want to gain popularity in the community and this can be achieved through blogging also.

3. You can create something different

Everyone thinks that he or she wants to do something to create a difference, and it’s possible with blogging. There are lots of blogging opportunities to encourage people to green living and also for motivation-like things.

Creating environment-friendly awareness is one of the examples that we can do through blogging. So many people get demotivated in their life and you can give them motivation through your blog writing. Bloggers are working on recipe sites to engage the women on their sites. You can also raise any social issue through your blogging.

4. Bringing New Opportunities

Blogging will teach you lots of things to leave in today’s life. Every blogger is an editor, developer, photographer, graphic designer, marketer, SEO Expert, and lots more! If you don’t know anything then you will try to research on points and get the scope for new learning.

If you want to become a writer of books in the future then you will start getting knowledge from blogging. In the early stage, a blog will provide you an opportunity to reach lots of people and after that, you can launch your own book which will be loved by lots of people in the initial stages.

Every news channel or any digital media platform is searching for writers for their websites or media content. If someone loves your content then you can also get the opportunity to join some big media platforms.

5. Be your own boss

We always hear about the quote, ‘Be your Own Boss!’ but all can’t … Blogging can give you the opportunity to become your own boss. You can decide the time when you want to work and how you want to work. There will be no restriction on your work and earning! You can get hundreds or thousands as per your work.

Becoming a boss is a little bit difficult but if you did something extraordinary in the blogging field then it will not take more time to become Boss!

6. Earn in Lakhs

Earning something is different and expecting an outcome from it is different. When you are getting other outcomes from blogging then earning money from it is also an important part of the journey. Blogging can provide you the opportunity to earn lakhs of Indian rupees per month! Yes, it’s real and Indian bloggers are earning more than this every time.

When you are working for something with great efforts then Google AdSense, Affiliate marketing-like earning sources are there to earn with passion.

7. Technical Knowledge Gain

Getting technical knowledge from other sources is difficult for learners but when you start blogging then you will get aware of technologies step by step. Blogging consists of lots of technical terms such as SEO, keywords, Monetization, and all these terms are technically difficult. But when you try them then you will know that they are literally easier for you.

In today’s era, Digital marketing is at its highest peak. If you enter the blogging field then you will start your journey here and it has a bright future.

8. Get Expertise

If you are focusing on a single niche in blogging then you will get expertise in this field. You will have lots of detailed information about the topic on which you are writing. Indian bloggers started consulting services on the basis of their blogging knowledge, you can also go for such things. Educational blogs started their journey and now they created separate courses and apps for paid guidance to students.

9. Start Your own Business

You can carry out blogging as a hobby but after some great success, you can turn the hobby or part-time work into a professional business. You can also sell your products through blogging skills and grow your own business. We have lots of names who started their journey as bloggers and now they converted their blogging journey into well-settled business models.


Knowledge is like the universe and we can’t reach the edge of it! When we start searching for something on Google or any search engine then there are lots of uncovered topics. We didn’t get a single search result on some topics. So you can start your journey in blogging without any hesitation.

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