Why Blogging is the Best Side Hustle for College Students?

Nothing to worry about, there’s no need to miss out on all the fun or to miss out on the best years of your life. But still, you can use Blogging as your side hustle to get the best possible life in your 20s.

It’s great to earn some money while discovering your passions so that you don’t have to wait until your graduation to make money. You do not have to finish your degree to start making money.

If your college career is spent coming up with creative ways to make money, you no need to go for a boring corporate job. If you want to travel and don’t want to work for anybody else, blogging is the best option to start with. It even lets you enjoy your life to the fullest.

College time is the best time to test the waters with entrepreneurship and start a side hustle like blogging. In this post, we’ll explore a few reasons why you should start Blogging as a side hustle in college and what are its benefits…

Why is college a good time to start a blogging business?

Starting a business in college time automatically takes you a ladder ahead of others. There’s nothing worse than graduating without a job, no money-making plan, and no connections. You’re setting yourself up for financial disaster if you make that decision. If you mess up at a young age, surely you will regret it when you are 40.

You have unlimited energy. You might like to party and also make money. Fortunately, you can do both. It is much more difficult to work after staying up late at 32 than it is at 20.

There is nothing to lose. Your finances are already in shambles, and you’re in desperate need of money. You probably don’t have a family to worry about.

The time is yours. Unless you’re in school or volunteering on weekends, chances are you have plenty of spare time. It’s not necessary to fill up every second of every day. You will make a lot of money if you dedicate a few hours to blogging at an early age.

You can also take this side hustle to be your full-time job after graduating.

1. Very affordable to start

A blog is relatively inexpensive to start compared to many other business ventures. You can create a blog for as little as a few dollars a month. Your only requirement is to acquire a domain name and hosting account.

Getting your blog up and running is as simple as getting hosting, which you can get for less than $50 per year from a quality provider. That’s it for the basic package.

Nevertheless, you need to watch out for extra charges. The list goes on, but if you want to be truly successful, you need at least a few add-ons, such as social media scheduling tools, web hosting, email providers, faster servers, etc…

2. Easy to maintain

Not a techie? Nothing to worry about. In order to create and maintain your own blog, you don’t have to be a coding expert.

Getting started on your own blog is easy, and you can build it over time. Once you have the basic theme, you can upload it to wordpress, and after that, you can install the appropriate plugins and widgets. Your blog is ready.

As a matter of fact, you do not need to understand a word of code to create and maintain your blog. Isn’t that interesting?

3. Write about something that interests you

One of the best things about blogging is that you can write about anything you want and make money from it.

I know many of the bloggers who started their blogs to share information related to topics of interest to them. If you’re not passionate about the topic, I wouldn’t recommend starting a blog. When you are passionate about the stuff you write about, blogging doesn’t feel like work.

4. You will learn and develop new skills.

You can exercise your creative skills such as writing, photographing, and designing your blog. In addition, you’ll improve your organizational skills, learn all about marketing, and bolster your professional network.

It doesn’t matter if you blog only as a profitable hobby; the skills you gain can also be applied to your full-time job.

If you start blogging, you’ll learn a ton of new skills. If you have these skills, you can also start another side business (for instance, a digital marketing business).

There’s a lot to learn about WordPress, social media, coding, and marketing. Hardly, you’d ever learn these things without having your own blog.

5. Establish relationships with other bloggers

It’s pretty cool to meet and get to know some extraordinary people. In fact, I’ve been quite amazed by the sense of community that I’ve found. Blogging enthusiasts are incredibly close and supportive of one another. Whenever I need assistance or ideas, I can reach out to anyone.

The blogging community has a lot to offer to each other, and I suggest you comment on other blogs, interact on social media, and join blogging groups on Facebook. The world of blogging is full of amazing stories and helpful tips to share, and some of the most supportive people I have ever met are bloggers.

Based on my observations, blogging communities are incredibly collaborative instead of competitive. By blogging and being active on social media, you can make connections with people all over the world.

6. Passive income opportunities

A blog is one of the few side hustles that you can do passively, which means that you make money without being required to do any extra work. By blogging, you can earn passive income in a few different ways.

Firstly, you can make money by posting advertisements on your website. It is not mandatory for all bloggers to include ads, anyway, but they do provide passive income when you do.

Advertising typically involves applying to an advertising network such as Google Adsense. Your blog will then display the ads. As soon as someone clicks or makes a purchase, you receive a small commission, without any additional work beyond the initial setup.

Additionally, you can earn money by selling products. A simple example is to create and sell an eBook. Once your book is published and uploaded to your site, you’ll make money every time a customer purchases it.

Finally, affiliate links can generate residual income for you. The purpose of affiliate links is to direct readers to a certain product or service.

7. Earn money by promoting products you love

Bloggers are in high demand by brands. Each day, thousands of people view some of the larger blogs. In order to promote their products or services, companies work with these types of bloggers.

Blogs that partner with brands introduce their readers to a new product or service. A genuine blogger will only recommend brands they know, trust, and have used. As a reward, bloggers can get paid for their promotion efforts.

Remember, bloggers should always disclose if they are compensated to promote a particular product or partnership.

8. You get to test out lots of products for free (and get paid to do so)

It would surprise you how many brands approach you to try their products (even if you’re just starting out). As part of a sponsored post, a brand provides products (and usually monetary compensation as well) in exchange for your review of their product or for incorporating it into a blog post or social media post.

Bloggers can get free products such as furniture, gadgets, makeup, mattresses, cleaning supplies, food, and even free vacations from major brands. Marketers are using Influencer Marketing now because it has been proven to be more effective than traditional marketing methods.

9. Work from Anywhere

One of the best things about blogging is, it’s not location-specific.

A laptop and a good internet connection are all you need to blog from anywhere. If you travel a lot or are just plain busy, this is a great side hustle for you. You can easily blog while in a car or on a plane, or while having some cold breeze in the park.

10. Flexible Hours

Are you short on time for your blog? Not a problem.

One of the most appealing aspects of blogging is being able to work from anywhere at any time. The schedule is not set in stone. Blogs are incredibly flexible and can fit your schedule whether you prefer to work mornings or evenings, or whether you want to blog once a week or every day.

Moreover, you can plan and schedule your blog posts for weeks or months in advance. Even if you can’t spend much extra time on your blog during a busy period, you can plan your posts ahead.

As many bloggers are realizing that blogging can earn them a living, many have become full-time bloggers. Working from home, setting their own hours, and earning more income, you can quickly surpass your possible income at any other 9 to 5 job.

Blogging is a perfect solution for college students and busy professionals who have the extra burdens of studies and heavy workloads.

11. You never miss a Happy Moment

Blogging allows you to enjoy parties and curricular activities. If you want some night out with friends or to participate in extracurricular activities, the reasons for becoming a blogger are even greater. Not only you’ll get enough time to enjoy your life but also it will help you pay your own bills.

12. Anyone can learn it

To run a successful blog, you don’t have to be an expert writer, social media expert, or talented photographer.  All you need are some basic writing skills and a story to tell.

There are many popular blogs out there written by mediocre writers. You don’t need a background in professional writing or an English degree to succeed.

All you need is the ability to learn.  In the Internet world, there is a plethora of information ranging from how to write a viral blog post to how to develop a social media strategy to creating an email list to how to perform well in SEO.

Final thoughts

The benefits of blogging are endless!

Side hustles like blogging are great!  Working from home gives you the flexibility to choose your own hours, set your own pay, learn new things, and help others.

Let’s get started.  What are you waiting for?

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