How to Get a Rich Boyfriend?

How to get a rich boyfriend? While it may not be the best decision morally, it still is something that’s heavily perused in today’s world.

Hence, in this piece, I’ll guide you through the major steps required when trying to get a rich boyfriend.

And yes, these aren’t just random tips. When followed right, they’re almost guaranteed to help you find a guy who’s rich and who actually loves you.

Let’s get started then?

How to get a rich boyfriend?

Well, let’s approach this in a way a professional would. There are 3 major steps to get a rich boyfriend:

  • First, you need to find an individual who’s rich, preferably single and willing to mingle.
  • Second, you need to make contact and let them know you’re available.
  • Third, you either make your move or wait for him to make his move.

Let me explain how to tackle each of these steps then?

Step #1: Where to find potentially rich individuals open for a relationship?

There are a certain places all rich people go to. I’ve narrowed down the list to places where “young and rich” people go to.

  • High-end bars/nightclubs: There are multiple reasons why this is one of the best places to find rich individuals who may be in need of a partner. First, it’s high-end meaning they’re rich. Secondly, it’s a bar. People are generally drunk and do not think a lot. Third, a bar is one of the easiest places to strike up a conversation, especially if you’re a girl.
  • High-end gymnasiums: A lot of rich people go to gymnasiums. High-end gym means most people there are rich. Additionally, you also get a closer look at their physique and looks if that matters to you. It’s also not very hard to get someone to help you life that dumbbell, is it?
  • Golf clubs: What do most ultra-rich male have in common? They all like golf for some reason.
  • 5/7-star restaurants and hotels: Another place you may find wealthy individuals however this would require significant investments from you in terms of hotel accommodations till you find you guy.
  • Museums and art galleries: It’s not just in movies and shows. The rich do prefer museums and especially art galleries, albeit it’s often because art helps save tax. But hey, not your problem. You can easily find people buying art or artifacts worth millions and there you have your candidate.
  • Networking events and conferences: This may be a hit or miss. If you scour the internet you may find high-end networking events/conferences around your town. The best part is that in most cases the primary guests have their photos and business position mentioned on the promotional material. If you look hard and long, you may just find that CEO you’ve been looking for.

Step #2: How to make contact?

Obviously you can’t just walk up to them and be like –“Hey, you look rich, be my guy”?

So, how you make contact primarily depends on where you are.

  • Bars/nightclubs: If you found your guy in a bar/nightclub you’re lucky. It’s easiest to make contact with someone in a bar. You could start with a simple, non-aggressive question such as “can you check if I spilled something on my dress”? The trick is to initiate the conversation without making the other person feel you’re initiating a conversation. You could be more upfront but that may send the wrong signal (one-night stands) while you’re gunning for a boyfriend.
  • In gyms: It’s easy even if you’re a in a gym. You could ask the person to help you lift weight, keep your posture straight or just count the seconds for your set. You obviously need to do this in a polite and respectful way and back off if they aren’t willing.
  • Gold clubs: This one will be different. You can start with asking about the game, their favourite players, and tournaments or just ask them to teach you if they can.
  • Museums and art galleries: In a museum or art gallery, it’s best to walk up to the person, look at what they’re looking at, and ask a question about the painting/artefact. You could share your own information but it’s better to let them explain for the better part. You can then invite them to look at your personal artworks (if you have any) or maybe schedule a joint-trip to another art gallery/museum sometime later?
  • Networking events: Again, the event will generally be on very specific topic/niche. You can ask questions, offer your own two-cents or just promote something of your own which may get the other person interested.

Wait, let’s talk!

Before I let you go, let’s talk, Just you and me? Trying to “get” a rich boyfriend may not be a very good idea. I get it, you need financial stability in your life, everyone does. And it feels good to be pampered once in a while.

If you’re on this piece, I’m sure you’ve already made up your mind and I wouldn’t try to change that. I certainly will share with you a few tips on how to get a rich boyfriend.

However, note that there are two ways you can approach this:

  • Temporary arrangement: You may want a rich boyfriend for a short while, have fun, go on trips and then maybe find someone you actually “love”.
  • Or, a longer, more committed arrangement: Even though you initiated it because of his money, you may still try to love him genuinely. Love doesn’t generally work like that but it’s possible if the guy is rich and a good human being, you may have just hit your jackpot. In that scenario, you may try to give him your all and make sure he gets the best partner he could’ve hoped for in you.

There’s a third-option I’ll share with you:

Step #3: get a sugar daddy

Sugar daddies aren’t the same as boyfriends. This is an arrangement where the guy knows you’re with him primarily for his money and he may be with you for sexual favours, as a trophy partner or for any other reasons.

The best place to get a sugar daddy is Seeking Arrangements. It’s a dating website and app made specifically for sugar daddies/babies.

When signing up, people select who they are (rich OR good-looking individual). Yes, there’s a verification feature and some profiles do have verified networth/photos.

The users are always partnered with the opposite type (rich individuals are shown good-looking users and vice-versa).

Everyone here knows exactly what they bring to the table and what the other person is after.

This is a better way to get a rich boyfriend because there’s less pretence and more honesty.

Final words- How to get a rich boyfriend?

I’m confident you’ve got some idea on how to get a rich boyfriend by now, haven’t you?

You go where rich individuals hang out, make contact, and then plan a future meeting/date. It’s good to take your time. Meet a few times purely for business (learning golf/ showing your art etc.). The goal is to get the other person romantically involved with you. I assure you, being rich he has had enough sex/one-night offers and is probably tired of them by now.

Again, I’d urge you to love a person regardless of his/her financial standing. However, it’s your life and you make your own choices.

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